Our Story

Providing comfort for those who mourn since 2012

     If some lives form a perfect circle, others take shape in ways we cannot predict or always understand. Experiencing death has been a part of my journey since the tender age of eleven, beginning with the loss of my Mother. Her death left a profound impact on my life and it forever changed the course of how it would be lived. Death offends our sensibilities, it challenges our beliefs and raises difficult questions about meaning and purpose. I struggled to cope in the wake of grief. Growing up, I experienced anger and frustration, blocking out unpleasant thoughts and memories to avoid pain. I was so wrapped up in the idea of her death that I didn’t give myself a chance to celebrate her life. I couldn’t even cherish the memories I had with her in this world because I filled my mind with every facet of her death. The anxiety came later as the travesties of life stacked up. One by one along the way I lost many friends and family, young and old, my father, my brother, in laws, niece, nephews… the list goes on. Some were beautiful ends to a long-life, others were tragic losses. With each death the pain seemed to compound within me a hyper-awareness of the fragility of life and the inevitable truth that death is a natural process in the circle of life and none of us are immune from it.

Our son and brother

     My most significant heartbreak came with the loss of my oldest son Dustin, when he passed away after a long battle with Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. Nothing ever quite prepares you for the heartache of a profound loss. No matter how gradual the dying may be, all deaths are sudden and you are never ready to accept it when it happens. My child’s death aroused an overwhelming sense of injustice – for lost potential, unfilled dreams and senseless suffering. The slow hum of sadness began creeping inward, weeks and months afterwards and for the first time in my life threw me into the dungeon of depression. Grief in its darkest form took over and settled in like a gloomy thrum, leaving me numb and motionless. This loss would prove to be my greatest challenge to overcome. “How can the world go on” I questioned, “when my world has stopped”.

     The loss of my son showed me what was precious and I wanted to preserve and hold on to every memory, but doing so would mean that I would have to accept and work through the painful process. I knew that if I was ever going to find my way out from this lonely place of darkness, I was going to need help but I was hesitant to ask for it. I never picked up the phone and called my friends and I didn’t answer when they called. I was completely lost and unable to express what had happened to my family and I had already shut down the process of healing by closing off myself from everyone around me. When family or friends are faced with the loss of a loved one, they need support more than ever. Thankfully I had friends that recognized my need and pushed through the prison cell that I had built, by sending me gifts. One was a picture with a beautiful sentiment, the other was a book about healing. This small act of kindness brought me comfort in knowing that I was not alone, they too shared my grief. It beckoned me to open up to the vulnerable parts of myself and allow my heart to begin healing. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that you have people in your life that will have your back and lift you up.

     With this newfound strength, I began to reconnect with my friends and family. I filled my mind with warm memories and as they flooded my heart, I felt them leading me through. I came to learn that I could have victory over death by simply embracing it and know that my son’s work on earth was done. It was a life completed and not a life interrupted. Today, our family honor and remember our son. We have incorporated him into our lives in a new way. We keep our memories of him alive in our minds and hearts and it has been a vital part of our journey.

     When one receives a gift in their time of grief it helps them more than you may ever know. Long after the funeral flowers fade, a gift lingers and continues to encourage and comfort. “REMEMBRANCE OF YOU” was born out of the desire to help others express their love and support by sending a gift of kindness. A gift that lasts can be treasured forever but finding the perfect gift to send can be difficult. We do not participate with dropship companies because quality matters to us. We want the opportunity to inspect all of our products before we send them out the door. Our team works with various artist and designers to create unique gifts of art that evoke emotional healing and we offer a large selection of these sympathy gifts for your online shopping experience.

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Our son and brother

My most significant heartbreak came with the loss of my oldest son Dustin, when he passed away after a long battle with Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. Nothing ever quite prepares you for the heartache of a profound loss. No matter how gradual the dying may be, all deaths are sudden and you are never ready to accept it when it happens. My child’s death aroused an overwhelming sense of injustice – for lost potential, unfilled dreams and senseless suffering. The slow hum of sadness began creeping inward, weeks and months afterwards and for the first time in my life threw me into the dungeon of depression. Grief in its darkest form took over and settled in like a gloomy thrum, leaving me numb and motionless. This loss would prove to be my greatest challenge to overcome. “How can the world go on” I questioned, “when my world has stopped”.

The loss of my son showed me what was precious and I wanted to preserve and hold on to every memory, but doing so would mean that I would have to accept and work through the painful process. I knew that if I was ever going to find my way out from this lonely place of darkness, I was going to need help but I was hesitant to ask for it. I never picked up the phone and called my friends and I didn’t answer when they called. I was completely lost and unable to express what had happened to my family and I had already shut down the process of healing by closing off myself from everyone around me. When family or friends are faced with the loss of a loved one, they need support more than ever. Thankfully I had friends that recognized my need and pushed through the prison cell that I had built, by sending me gifts. One was a picture with a beautiful sentiment, the other was a book about healing. This small act of kindness brought me comfort in knowing that I was not alone, they too shared my grief. It beckoned me to open up to the vulnerable parts of myself and allow my heart to begin healing. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that you have people in your life that will have your back and lift you up.

With this newfound strength, I began to reconnect with my friends and family. I filled my mind with warm memories and as they flooded my heart, I felt them leading me through. I came to learn that I could have victory over death by simply embracing it and know that my son’s work on earth was done. It was a life completed and not a life interrupted. Today, our family honor and remember our son. We have incorporated him into our lives in a new way. We keep our memories of him alive in our minds and hearts and it has been a vital part of our journey.

When one receives a gift in their time of grief it helps them more than you may ever know. Long after the funeral flowers fade, a gift lingers and continues to encourage and comfort. “REMEMBRANCE OF YOU” was born out of the desire to help others express their love and support by sending a gift of kindness. A gift that lasts can be treasured forever but finding the perfect gift to send can be difficult. We do not participate with dropship companies because quality matters to us. We want the opportunity to inspect all of our products before we send them out the door. Our team works with various artist and designers to create unique gifts of art that evoke emotional healing and we offer a large selection of these sympathy gifts for your online shopping experience.

     COVID-19 has forced millions of people into lonely isolation due to lock-downs and social distancing. With the travel restrictions in place along with hospitals and nursing homes enforcing limited or no visitor policies, it has left many unable to be by the side of their loved ones in their final hours. And many have not even been able to have a proper funeral, as only graveside services were allowed. We want to encourage you to remember those that are hurting. It is so important at this critical time to not forget them. Reach out and support your family and friends today and let us help you find the perfect gift that will bring them much comfort.

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