Shipping & Returns Policy


How long will it take to ship?

We try to get your order out the door as soon as we receive it, but we will ship your product (s) within 2 days of your purchase and should arrive within 3-5 business days.


Where we ship to:

We ship to 48 contiguous states of USA
(excludes Alaska and Hawaii)


How we ship



Can I ship my order to my loved one’s address?

Absolutely! Be sure to enter their address into the shipping information at checkout. They will not receive billing information.


Do you allow returns?

We have a 30-day return policy. If you don’t like it within 30 days of your purchase, you can ship it back to us (at your expense) for store credit. You must notify us via email before you ship the item so that we can begin processing your return.



What if my item arrives damaged?

In the event that the product arrives damaged please contact us within 15 days or arrival.    —> DETAILS PENDING

Ship returns to:

Remembrance of You ( YOUR ORDER NUMBER )
203 W. Washington Ave
Athens, TN 37303


For any questions

Call us at: (423) 744-9472

Or email us at: